09 July 2012


I've hit a few milestones in this pregnancy recently! (Disclaimer: written June 26th. I'm blaming my pregnancy brain for forgetting to post it earlier.)

I took some maternity pictures with one of my friends, Kristin, two weekends ago when I was almost 25 weeks. She did an awesome job. She wanted try out some new maternity poses and play around with some lighting techniques, so I obliged to be her little maternity model. :) It was weird to be on the other side of the camera cause that doesn't happen very often. I felt so awkward and I kept laughing at myself. Case in point of the awkwardness:
The pics turned out great, though. I'm glad we did them. I can't wait to print some out and create a diptych of my maternity photos with newborn pictures of our little girl. How cute will that be? :) 

Also, two weeks ago was the first time I felt our baby have major hiccups! I was sitting at my desk at work and the baby was kicking pretty hard every few seconds. The kicks became so sequential and then it hit me. Those weren't kicks, they were hiccups! It was the cutest thing ever. I couldn't help but laugh and squeal to the entire office about it. Clayton was able to feel her have hiccups a few nights ago during dinner and he loved it. She's the cutest little thing already.

Yesterday I went in to the hospital and took the infamous glucose test. It actually wasn't half that bad. The drink wasn't as sugary as I had anticipated. It tasted like liquid orange otter pops. It got kind of gross when I was 3/4 of the way through, but I chugged it down like a champ. I had to wait around for an hour while it got in my system and then I was called back for them to take my blood. Oh, how they LOVE taking my blood. The nurse was really nice and was asking me questions to get my mind off the ginormous needle he was sticking in my arm. I think he could tell how uncomfortable I was because I kept my eyes in the opposite direction the entire time. I actually never looked at the needle or the 50 gallon container he used to store my blood in, but I am fairly certain that is how it was. Haha. I'm a wimp.

Speaking of being a wimp, I had a semi-nervous breakdown this weekend about having a baby. I've been reading this pregnancy book to help me feel more prepared about having a baby, but if anything, it's made me aware of things I just don't want to know about. Seriously, the things I read about delivery and post delivery SCARE me. I'm absolutely terrified. Plus, I feel zero prepared to bring an infant into our home, let alone into this world. I hate being a worrier, but this weekend just got the best of me. I accidentally destroyed my phone by dropping it in a toilet and other stressful things started happening, so all my feelings and worryings joined forces and turned me into Pregzilla. I was in a weird, worried funk and I hated it and I know the hubby hated it. So, I resolved to just be happy and not worry about the little things, and I already feel better. Happiness is TRULY a state of mind. 

Really, I couldn't be more excited to have this baby and be a mom, but sometimes you just can't help but worry a little bit. 

Another "milestone" I've hit is that I've discovered the wonderful, wonderful world of pregnant pillows. I don't have an actual pregnant pillow, which is really just a long body pillow, but I have started sleeping with a pillow tucked between my side and my prego belly and sometimes between my knees (same function as a preggy pillow) and it has done wonders for my back pain. I really enjoy sleeping on a heavy angle on my side, but I usually won't let myself because I feel like I'm squishing some serious alien baby. I would kill to be able to sleep on my stomach, but we all know that won't happen for a very long time. By putting a pillow under my side and resting my stomach on it (great visual, I know), I can sleep on my side comfortably without feeling like there's a glass bowling ball stuck to the side of my stomach.

I've also reached the point where ALL I want to wear are dresses, skirts, and sweats. I can still manage to fit into my jeans and other bottoms but it's just not comfortable anymore. I think I need to buck up and start buying maternity clothes. I guess I would rather just spend money on stuff for the baby rather than stuff for me that I will only wear for 13 more weeks. And during the other pregnancies, I guess. :)

We seriously have only 2 things for the baby. My parents graciously gave us Josh's old crib, but they couldn't find the screws and bolts so we have to wait to assemble it. I found an amazing deal online for a cute little lacy romper, which I've had my eyes on forever, and so I bought it. But that is all we have. So if she's born tomorrow, at least she will have a cute outfit. And a room. But no crib. And no diapers. So her outfit would be ruined. And then she would have nothing again. Bah.

Note to self: buy more things for baby.

So, on a side note, here are some pregnancy stats. Today I am 26 weeks and 4 days and have 13 weeks and 3 more days to go. Baby Z is the size of a cucumber, measuring 15 in long and about 2.2 pounds. I love that all of my pregnancy trackers liken the baby's size with food. All I've been thinking about for the past hour is how badly I want to eat a cool cucumber. Mmmm. 

1 comment:

  1. Malae! Just wanted to let you know that your baby already has more than that! And I'm not done! :)
