27 March 2012

2nd Trimester & 23rd Birthday!

Hello!!! Sorry that I've been M.I.A. for so long. I know it's only been three weeks, but a lot can and HAS happened since then! As I said in my last post, I finally got a prescription for Zofran from my doctor. It has done WONDERS for my nausea. I hardly feel any nausea pangs (twangs? idk...) anymore, and I only suffer through a few side effects (which I would much rather have than nausea). So, to answer a lot of inquiries I've been getting, I feel much, much better! I must admit, I kind of feel like I'm cheating my pregnancy, but I FEEL GREAT! I FEEL NORMAL!

So last Thursday on my birthday (woot!) I officially hit my second trimester! What a wonderful feeling. I am 1/3 of the way there and 2/3 of the way to go! I do feel like this pregnancy is taking forever, but when you hit a milestone, it starts to feel like it's going somewhere. 

Today I am 14 weeks and 5 days.  Here's the most recent prego picture I took at 14 weeks and 2 days (last Saturday). First of all, yes I am in a dressing room. Second of all, THERE IS A BUMP!!! And third of all, I didn't end up buying the dress cause it was too short. Story of my life. But it's super cute, right??

I can't wait until our next doctor's appointment in a week. I'm really hoping that we will get to have an ultrasound that will let us see the gender, but I heard that you really can only tell at 18 to 20 weeks. Sigh...I need to work on being a little patient! I just want to know what is growing inside me, that's all! Oh, and I want to buy a billion cute little things for the baby, too. :)

Things I've been up to lately...school, school, work, work, work. So busy all the time. I'm having a wonderful time playing catch up in all my classes, in case you were wondering, and sometimes I feel like my efforts are all in vain because I just will probably have to retake them all anyway. Okay, maybe not. But really. It could totes happen.

Work is super busy right now. We are getting prepared for the huge law alumni board meeting that is on Friday. Oh, and we are trying to get it all done while my boss is gone for the week vacationing in Hawaii. Haha. It's a wee bit stressful. 

Also, I've been taking lots of pictures lately. You all may have noticed me blowing up your news feeds with billions of pictures, especially today. Most of them are for my photography class, but it's also super fun for me on the side. Well...just stay tuned for that part of my life. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Oh! So I'm officially 23 years old now....holla! I'm so old! 22 was a good age, but 23 just sounds so old. I think I've reached the point in my life where birthdays are less fun because I keep getting older and older. But this last birthday was super fun..... :)

Rachel, Levi, and Jacob all came down from Colorado to come stay with us last weekend. Olivia stayed over at our house too. Needless to say, our house was bumping. Thursday was my official birthday, and so I celebrated by going to class (woo) and then went out to eat lunch at Zupa's with my wonderful mother. We talked for 3 hours! It was so much fun and I really enjoyed the one-on-one time with my mom. She's the best thing ever and I really appreciate everything she does for me. After lunch, I came home and opened presents with everyone that was at the house. I got some super cute sunglasses in a super cute case, beautiful roses and easter candy (eeek!) from my husband, and tons of cute cards. 

Then we decided to go to Trafalga! Oh my goodness...SO MUCH FUN! We started by going out to the go karts. We decided to ride the super fast ones so we had to take turns two by two. I have never laughed so hard in my life...everyone was so much fun to watch! I raced against Jocelyn, and she barely won after a VERY HEATED and INTENSE race. I need to get that video...haha. I managed to do a 180 after like 3 seconds of driving. I'm that good.

Then we went over to the batting cages and it felt AWESOME! I miss softball so much! It reminded me so much of summers back home in Spanish Fork. Just the sound of the ball hitting the bat was heaven for me. I am way out of practice, but I got some good hits in. I didn't bring batting gloves so I got a few open blisters (ouch...), and I managed to hit a ball straight into my shin, but other than that it was so much fun!

The next day, Friday, after taking a test in Italian, I got picked up from my sisters-in-law and we headed over to the Provo mall to look around before meeting up with everyone else to go up to University Mall. We all scored with some awesome purchases. We stopped at home to eat some lunch. I was shocked when I found out that we were going to be eating Russian grandmothers (pupusashas...)! But they tasted so good! 

Then we left and went shopping ALL DAY with Lex, Jocelyn, Rachel and Olivia. It was so much fun! We found tons of cute things and I felt very satisfied with my purchases. I haven't been shopping for myself since last August, so it felt very veryyyyy nice to get some new things. When we were done shopping we met up with everyone (literally, everyone!) at Applebee's!

We had a pretty loud table and had a blast! My mom brought a cake with strawberries so we could all have some birthday cake after dinner - fabulous idea, right? It was so good but I was SOOOO full. Oh, and I love this picture because half of the table is doing mustaches and half is not. So...not really sure who got the memo and who didn't. Haha.

After dinner we all went over to the cinemark movie theater and got in line to watch the Hunger Games! Even though it was a late showing, we all had fun. The movie was phenomenal. I haven't read the books yet, so I didn't know what to expect, but I loved it. Everyone else loved it. Even my husband loved it! I really can't wait to start reading the books and I definitely can't wait until the next movies come out! Oh, and I totally saw invisible people!! Hahaha.

The next day, Saturday, Rachel, Jacob, and Levi had to leave for Colorado. :( But we ended up going to the brand new City Creek shopping center in Salt Lake with Chris and Jocelyn.

 It was sooo cool! It was absolutely beautiful. If you look closely in the background, you have a straight shot of the SLC temple! Jocelyn and I spent like 2 hours in Forever 21 because it was huge and took up 2 floors! I ended up buying a super cute skirt and Jocelyn got some really cute shirts. We barely saw even half of all there was to see, so we need to go back sometime. It was pretty busy too! Oh, and after we left City Creek we went and got some Arby's....which was amazing. I have literally been craving Arby's for a week now. Good call Jocelyn.... :)

All in all, I had the best birthday weekend ever. We did so many fun things and I super spoiled by everyone! I was way glad I got to spend it with all the people that I love! Thanks everyone!!!! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for an awesome birthday weekend! You should have a birthday more often because that was waay fun! Too bad dumb Forever 21 makes dresses to short. Lame sauce. Haha
